POLARITY THERAPY ‘When the energy becomes disturbed then we are disturbed’.
The characteristics of the human ‘energy field’ have been known for centuries. Modern Western scientific research is just now beginning to understand and embrace the belief that “energy is the source of all life” .
Polarity Therapy is A holistic healing system that works with “life energy” in all its forms. It uses a comprehensive system of bodywork, exercise, nutritional guidance, and verbal counseling.
developed by Randolph Stone, D.D., D.C., N.D. (1890-1981). During his 91 years, Dr. Stone made the study of Polarity Therapy his passion and life work…
The goal is to realign and unite body, mind, spirit, and emotions into harmony and vibrant health.
LEARN how POLARITY THERAPY works with PSYCHIATRY... can balance the system... creating deep relaxation and increased vitality in order to meet the challenges in life!
This life energy, existing in differing frequencies and vibrations, is the underlying blueprint of who we are.
When the energy becomes disturbed in some way, then we are disturbed. Polarity Therapy works to correct energetic imbalances and distortions.
Using gentle techniques Polarity and Craniosacral Therapies can support ‘deep releasing’ of old patterns held in the body in order to re-establish natural functioning which leads to restored health.
This is achieved through the use of specific modes of touch that locate where the energy is congested, weak or sluggish and then works to free it so that the vibrant flow of the life force is re-established. Free flowing energy means health and vitality.
Polarity Therapy's conceptualization of pathways of energy in the body is referred to as the “Wireless Anatomy.” Six centers along the spine (called chakras), starting from the head and winding downwards toward the coccyx, transform spiritual energy into lower levels of vibration. As they spiral outward, they create the physical body.
Polarity Therapy can aid with *fatigue, *stress, *anxiety, *depression, *osteoarthritis, *pain, *cancer-related fatigue, *fibromyalgia, *chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and many other conditions.
A Polarity Therapy Session is based on the premise that the body, mind, emotions, and spirit of an individual are interrelated. It incorporates Bodywork, Reflexology, Craniosacral Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Energetic Communication, Nutritional Awareness, Aromatherapy, and Counseling to bring into balance the physical, mental, and emotional bodies with spirit.
Using gentle techniques, coupled with intension, intuition and compassion, Polarity and Craniosacral Therapies can support deep releasing of old patterns held in the body.
A session creates balance and harmony within the system and in so doing an individual is able to focus, and receive clarity of mind which leads to restored health.
Each client is unique and each session is based on individual needs and goals. A session is done with the client fully clothed on a massage table. Polarity bodywork may consist of light rocking and deep touch to facilitate the release of physical and emotional energy blocks.
First session starts at $125 and includes a half hour free consultation.
Dr. Randolph Stone (1890-1981)
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Information provided here is for EDUCATION PURPOSES ONLY and is in NO WAY intended to replace proper medical advice. IT IS NOT for diagnostic or prescriptive use or to be construed as instruction on how to cure or treat any condition, illness or disease. Every individual is different, thus what may work for one may not work for another person. Consult with the professional health authorities of your choice. Remember, taking responsibility for your health is your own personal decision: do your research and choose wisely. We commend you!
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